Viral Infection Support
Viral Infection Support

Viral Infection Support
Covid-19 has changed our lives and our world. Regen IV Wellness treated nearly 600 cases of Covid-19 in 2021 with a 100% success rate in those patients who sought treatment during early, active infection.
But, it's not just Covid-19 that we treat. We believe it's important to take action on ALL viral infections, such as cold, flu, Covid, and more. That's why we offer a variety of viral infection support options for preventive, active, and post infection.*
The key to tackling viral infections is to be safe and smart about prevention. If you do contract a viral infection with an active infection, it is CRITICAL you treat it as soon as possible. Many people feel ok during early onset of symptoms. This false sense of security results in lack of motivation to treat the virus.
This is the #1 mistake patients make and we see it all the time. Waiting until the viral load dominates your cells causing irreparable cellular and tissue damage. When this happens, the virus is more difficult to tackle, symptoms are worse, and the risk of developing lasting symptoms and conditions, such as long haul Covid, is increased. We can not stress enough how important it is to get treated immediately at the onset of a viral infection. Our motto is "it's better to be safe, than sorry."
*Treatment for active Covid-19 infection ONLY for existing patients or referrals.
Get back to feeling like yourself with one of our customized, evidence-based viral therapeutics for supportive care of active infection symptoms or long haul symptoms.*

Cold, Flu & Covid Defender Bundle
This lineup of supplements is what we recommend to every patient who comes in with viral symptoms such as from cold and flu.
But don't wait until you're sick to load up on these immune boosting supplements. Studies show when you are proactive in supporting your immune system with the right supplements, it can possibly prevent or reduce the duration of sickness.
Order now and get 10% off this bundle.

Saline & Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulizer
One of the most common symptoms of cold, flu, Covid, and allergies is respiratory inflammation. This can lead to coughing, wheezing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. Incorporating a nebulizer treatment may help reduce these symptoms.
Studies show using a professionally compounded hydrogen peroxide solution administered in a nebulizer are possibly an effective support treatment for viral infections such as Covid.
Viral Infection Support Services
*These statements should not be interpreted as cure or treatment for SARS-CoV-2. According to US FDA and FTC regulations and guidelines, there are no known cures nor treatments for infectious illnesses caused by SARS-CoV-2.