Chronic Disease
Chronic Disease Pathway
At Regen IV Wellness, we take a deeper look into your issues and perform specific testing to reveal the underlying issues triggering chronic disease.

If you experience chronic illness or disease, there's almost certainly and underlying issue that's triggering the ailment. Unfortunately, most practitioners overlook the underlying issue due to lack of thorough testing and taking a holistic perspective of the individual.

Holistic Chronic Disease Pathway Health Plan
At Regen IV Wellness, we believe in a holistic approach to achieving your health goals. In order to achieve your health goals, we create a plan that encompasses 5 areas of your wellness. Your customized health plan includes specific actions you can take in each of these areas to help you reach your goals.
What Does The Chronic Disease Pathway Look Like?
Though your plan will be customized to your body and your goals, many of of our therapies facilitate healing or minimizing signs of chronic disease. Some of the therapies that may be included in your chronic disease pathway plan include:
- Lab Testing
- IV Ozone Therapy
- Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
- Specialty IVS
- Peptides
- Customized Supplement Protocol
These are just some of the therapies you might see on your health plan. Additionally, Regen IV Wellness is consistently updating the list of treatments and services we offer to stay on top of the latest and greatest in holistic medicine.
The Holistic Health Approach

Step 1: Consult & Analysis
You'll begin your new health journey with an initial consult with a medical practitioner. During this step you'll complete customized lab testing to get to the root cause of your issues.

Step 2: Review and Plan
At this stage, we'll review your labs and analysis and commit to your customized holistic health plan to address root cause issues and reach your health goals.

Step 3: Re-evaluation
Throughout your health plan, we'll check-in at progress milestones and complete a re-evaluation to make any necessary changes to your health plan so you can stay on target with reaching your goals.

Step 4: Maintenance Phase
When you've achieved your goals, we customize an ongoing plan for maintenance and support to ensure your stay on track with your results and prevent any future issues.